Your Speakers: Artist Kathy Sosa; University of Texas at San Antonio Professor Emerita Ellen Riojas Clark; Trinity Professor Norma Elia Cantú, Ph.D.

Your Moderator: Tom Payton, Director for Trinity University Press

Much ink has been spilled over the men of the Mexican Revolution. Far less has been written, however, about its women. Trinity University Press set out to right this wrong with the publication of Revolutionary Women of Texas and Mexico, which celebrates the soldaderas, saints, and subversives of early Texas and Mexico who refused to walk a traditional path.

Join three of the book's contributors—Norma Elia Cantú, the Norine R. and T. Frank Murchison Professor of the Humanities at Trinity University, artist and illustrator Kathy Sosa, and Ellen Riojas Clark, professor emeritus and cofounder of the bicultural-bilingual studies department at the University of Texas at San Antonio—to celebrate eighteen women who revolutionized their worlds. From the soldaderas tasked with caring for wounded troops during the Mexican Revolution to iconic godmothers⁠ like the Virgin of Guadalupe and La Malinche, to artists Frida Kahlo and Nahui Olin and activists Emma Tenayuca and Genoveva Morales, the women in these stories are vital to the collective history of Texas and Mexico.

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