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De Coursey Lecture Series: Braiding Sweetgrass- Robin Wall Kimmerer 

Robin Wall Kimmerer will be presenting Monday, November 4, at 7pm in the Laurie Auditorium. 

This series is to feature internationally celebrated scientists and humanists for the Trinity and San Antonio community.  Robin Wall Kimmerer will also have the opportunity to visit students and faculty on campus. This event will also be use for celebration to the National Native American Heritage event with the San Antonio community.

The DeCoursey Lecture Series is made possible by a gift from the late General Elbert DeCoursey and Mrs. Esther DeCoursey of San Antonio.  The series features internationally celebrated scientists and humanists.  The lecture has hosted Edward O. Wilson, Derek Parfit, Jane Goodall, Paul Berg, Richard Smalley, Shirin Ebadi and Steven Chu.

Disclaimer: Trinity University affirms freedom of expression. Views expressed by speakers and participants before, during, and after speaking engagements do not  represent or reflect the views of the university.

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